Matthew Younglove
Saxophonist, Performer, Educator

Night Set Awarded!
Night Set was awarded the Silver Medal for Outstanding Achievement from the Global Music Awards in July of 2023.
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Night Set as an album is a collection of works (set) united by the common theme of the ‘night.’ The album gets its name from its namesake composition by Gregory Wanamaker, which was the thematic impetus for this recording project. The time of ‘night’ has fascinated and inspired humanity for as long as we have recorded history, from fears of the dark to myths and beliefs in increased spiritual presence in the darkest hours of the evening. Night brings a time of darkness, the absence of light, which triggers the imagination as well as other complex and powerful emotions in the human mind. This album contains six works that explore various aspects of nighttime: dreams, shadows, darkness, dawn, quiet, monsters, and spirits.
Featured Compositions
What Dreams May Come (2020) - Caleb Burhans
Night Set (2017) - Gregory Wanamaker
Shadows and Dawning (1982) - Marilyn Shrude
the joy of the quiet in the transcendence of time (2018) - Michael Rene Torres
Monster Studies (2012) - Girard Kratz
Fantasmi (2005) - Marilyn Shrude

Liz Ames - Piano
Jeffrey Heisler - Alto Saxophone
Mark Bunce - Producer and Recording Engineer
Album Cover Artwork by Dax Van Aalten
Released November 11, 2022 on AMP Records